Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Home is wherever I'm with you...

We've begun adding the new addition to our house! Yay!

This is something Josh has always wanted to do, and it's so exciting that it's becoming a reality now. To recap, because I don't think I've blogged about this here before, Josh has owned the house for a while now and part of the interior was remodeled during our first year of dating. That was fun! We spent A LOT of time at Home Depot! But, we also got to choose all of the textiles (granite, tile, paint, wainscoting, etc.). Josh designed it all himself in SmartDraw. We've gotten lots of ideas from Houzz...and of course, Pinterest (well, I have, not so much him..haha!). It's such an awesome thing that we've been able to design what we want, which how much space we want, and all the other big and small details. I just keep thinking, this house is just so big! But, God has blessed us so much, in so many ways, with so many resources, that we're able to do this! I'm so, so thankful.

We planned on just pouring the slab, then waiting and saving up for the next phase...to take our time and not rush. Also, I've told Josh that when it's done, babies will commence, so that's probably a reason he wanted to take it slow on the construction. Hahahaha! But, we poured the slab, then we just figured, eh...let's just keep it rollin'! So we did!

Currently, we have:
    • living room
    • kitchen
    • mudroom
    • bedroom
    • office
    • master bathroom
 We're adding:
    • sunken living room (the current living room will become dining)
    • a larger office
    • two full bathrooms
    • two additional bedrooms
    • a theater room
    • expanding our bedroom
    • back patio area
 Here are some photos to put it all together!
The Dumpster really spruces up the place, doesn't it?? 

The office is what will be at the very front of the house...there will be french doors at the top of the stairs in this photo below.

 Where the green arrows are, those built-in bookcases will be eliminated and the fireplace will remain open to the dining room and future living area...

 ...which will lead here. To the right on this photo is the hallway that will lead to the two new bedrooms.

This is the view from the back.

 On the right side, viewing from the back, is the new (very-large-please-come-stay-with-us-but-not-too-long) guest room. If you do choose to stay at the Good Inn, you will be able to enjoy this beautiful view of the pond...really, it's a great view. :)

 Another angle of the back. The "wall" that's on the ground will be our larger master bedroom wall of windows looking out to the pond.

 Another thing we're doing is closing off this door on the right. It's currently our only bathroom, but it's also "our" bathroom, meaning Josh got his HUGE walk-in shower and I got my jacuzzi tub, so we're keeping it as the master and closing the door off so we'll only be able to access it from our room. Plus, there will be a bathroom right next to the new office (see 3rd photo--to the left of that) and one bathroom by the two new bedrooms. Lots of potty places! :)

So, that's it so far! It's funny because I took these photos Friday evening, right before it got dark, after so many people wanted to see the progress, and now they've worked all weekend and it's a completely different look! All of the doorways are now completed in all of the rooms, along with windows, etc. So I'll post an update this week. They are supposed to start on all of the roofing and stuff this week, depending on rain! It's super exciting!! What do you think so far? 


  1. It's coming together so quickly! Seems like you were just talking about it the other day? Anyway, so happy for ya'll and I can't wait to see the new digs :)

    1. Thanks homie! It's going really quickly! Maybe it'll be done in a few weeks. Ha!

  2. I love it...and want to be a guest. Do you have a lot of breakables? I guess we could always throw the kids outside or threaten to throw them in the pond if they act up.
