Thursday, May 2, 2013

Random Thoughts

  • I am so ready for the house to be done. I'm very thankful for the whole thing, but it does add extra stress for both of us, and I'll just be glad when it's over. (Again, I'm not complaining at all...I'm just sharing honest feelings).
  • I really would love to blog more. I fear the judgement and criticism from others though. That probably doesn't make for a good blogger! Ha! I guess I just have to get over it. 
  •  Josh and I just went to see Needtobreathe at the House of Blues last Friday night. I love listening to them. They are awesome live, and the opening band, Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors, is also awesome! Here's a little snippet of the concert (I didn't want to be the annoying person snapping photos and video the entire time...aka the table in front of us. This group of women spent the ENTIRE concert taking selfies and group shots. I don't even think they were paying attention to the music!).... 
  •  One of our New Year's Resolutions was to go see more concerts. Needtobreathe was actually the first real concert we've been to together. We saw Hillsong United on our second or third date and have attended several rodeos, but this was a REAL concert. Our next one is Mumford and Sons (YAY!!!!), and I have one more up my sleeve, but it's a secret for now. ;)
  • I never know what to get my parents for any holiday. They're very simple people and don't *want* things, so my gifts usually have to be either really generic or really personalized. And, with Mother's Day next week, I still have no clue what to get my mom. Blah.
  • Retail stinks. I love working with my husband, and I love working for the family business. But, I will truthfully admit that I hate retail. I've worked it before and hated it. Sometimes, you get really great customers...they don't give you any hassle and they act like real human beings. Then, most of the time, you get these angry, think-they-deserve-it-all people who want you to basically give you free things. Maybe it's just the area we live in. I DO, however, love marketing and doing events, community involvement, etc. :)
  •  On most days, I feel overwhelmed. Editing, catching up on photo stuff, work, bookkeeping, personal things. I would love a day off where I can just go to Target, Starbucks, and a movie, and not have to worry about the million things on my to-do list. I'm actually off tomorrow (on a Friday!), but I still have work things to do!
  • I wonder how it will be when we have kids. We both agree that I'll become a stay-at-home mom, but I imagine I'll still want to do *something*...either photography on the side or I'll keep doing just the bookkeeping. I'm excited about having kids, but I'm also okay with waiting just a little longer.
  • This post was a little longer than I thought. Ha! Have a great day!


  1. All very valid thoughts and many of which are in my head as well. Just breathe and enjoy the day to day. Hugs friend. Hope to see you sometime soon!

    1. Wow, I just realized how Negative Nancy I was in this whole thing! I guess it's this gloomy and cold weather. :)
